Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts in Chattanooga, TN

Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts in Chattanooga, TN

Three million people every year visit the beautiful city of Chattanooga, which means you have ample opportunity to get your vacation property fully booked year-round.

But that doesn't mean you should accept every request from a potential guest. Not all guests are reliable, and it's vital to screen applicants before you hand over the keys to your most important investment.

Here is a quick guide on the do's and don't of screening guests for vacation rentals.

Do an ID Verification

It's crucial to check the background of anyone staying on your property during a short-term rental agreement.

After all, your rental is a massive investment. So you want to ensure it's only used by people you trust. It also protects you against potential fraudsters.

That means doing the necessary checks, including your guests' identity.

When they book, ask each guest to provide an ID like a passport or driver's license; most people will be happy to oblige because it's a standard request. They will get a similar experience in hotels.

Don't Forget to Check Local Laws

Abiding by the law is non-negotiable for vacation rentals. It means you will avoid fines or worse - like litigation claims from residents. Yet local laws differ, and. they evolve.

So, it's essential to check the current laws and regulations for Chattanooga, TN.

Check for rules such as building safety, maximum occupancy, and noise issues. Most importantly, you must follow laws about how you screen guests. For example, you must not discriminate.

If you need more clarification on the legal small print, get advice from a property management expert like ourselves.

Do Listen to Feedback from Guests

You'll get guest reviews; for many property owners, this means a mix of positive and negative reviews. But it's important not to ignore the negatives.

They will give you some helpful signposts about what you must do in the future.

These reviews may also highlight potential issues with your guest screening policy, especially if you have problems like guests damaging your furniture or disturbing neighbors.

So, always look at reviews for signs about what you can change with your tenant screening, like adding a damage deposit. It's the best way to ensure you create a positive experience for you and your guests.

Don't Overlook the Importance of Communication

Effective communication with guests before, during, and after their stay can minimize issues with guest screening. It gives guests a chance to ask questions, and it will highlight potential issues.

For example, you may need to make some accommodation alternatives if you have a guest with a unique need, like a guide dog.

Ensure you share your contact details and provide alternative contact points so your guest always has someone available. If that's not practical, consider using a property manager instead.

Screening Guests for Vacation Rentals

When screening guests for vacation rentals, remember that it's time well spent.

Most guests will care for your property, enjoy their vacation, and leave a positive review. But there are some exceptions; you must screen for that every time you get a request.

For more help with guest screening, get in touch with our team at PMI Scenic City. Our experts can provide professional advice and assist you with this process.
